Gwen Stefani: The Sweet Escape
Oh, dearest "Bubble Pop Electric" Gwen, where did I go wrong with you?
I hearted No Doubt. Your first solo album, while a bit too pop-tastic, had some 80s charm to give someone like me a moment or three of giggles.
Now, though, my ska-pop princess, you give us The Sweet Escape. And, I think one listening put me into a diabetic coma. In the bad way.
Gwen's Escape takes the sugar sweet bubble gum pop of her last album, and dunks it into frosting, leaving it to dry on a bed of powdered sugar. She even makes beats that would make a decent hip-hop/rap background become annoying sugar-rap.
The one "saving" grace of the album is the first track, Wind It Up, and only due to it's sampling of the Lonely Goat Herder song from The Sound of Music.
Yeah. She sampled the Sound of Music, and not even the title track.
In the end: While Gwen's first solo outing was charming, if simple bubble-pop, Escape just feels rushed, uninspired, and painfully targeted towards that 'Tween to late Teen crowd. Little style, no substance. Certified Coaster Gold.
On the Web: Let's remember Gwen in a good way, and listen to a mashup of her 'Hollaback Girl' and Beck's 'Tambourine Girl'. Also, if you really want pain, hit up the Hype Machine.
Technorati Tagged: Gwen Stefani | Bubblegum Pop | 2006
I hearted No Doubt. Your first solo album, while a bit too pop-tastic, had some 80s charm to give someone like me a moment or three of giggles.
Now, though, my ska-pop princess, you give us The Sweet Escape. And, I think one listening put me into a diabetic coma. In the bad way.
Gwen's Escape takes the sugar sweet bubble gum pop of her last album, and dunks it into frosting, leaving it to dry on a bed of powdered sugar. She even makes beats that would make a decent hip-hop/rap background become annoying sugar-rap.
The one "saving" grace of the album is the first track, Wind It Up, and only due to it's sampling of the Lonely Goat Herder song from The Sound of Music.
Yeah. She sampled the Sound of Music, and not even the title track.
In the end: While Gwen's first solo outing was charming, if simple bubble-pop, Escape just feels rushed, uninspired, and painfully targeted towards that 'Tween to late Teen crowd. Little style, no substance. Certified Coaster Gold.
On the Web: Let's remember Gwen in a good way, and listen to a mashup of her 'Hollaback Girl' and Beck's 'Tambourine Girl'. Also, if you really want pain, hit up the Hype Machine.
Technorati Tagged: Gwen Stefani | Bubblegum Pop | 2006
I agree! Although I would trade "Wind It Up" for "The Sweet Escape" for more tolerable track.
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